
Bryce Yicong Chen (陈翊聪)
Incoming PhD student
University of Washington
Email: bychen AT uw.edu
LinkedIn: Yicong Chen
CV: here

About Me

I am an incoming PhD student at the University of Washington, where I will be advised by Prof. Mari Ostendorf. My research will focus on natural language processing (NLP). Prior to this, I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.S. in Computer Engineering and Computer Science, where I had the privilege of being advised by Prof. Kangwook Lee.


Can MLLMs Perform Text-to-Image In-Context Learning?
Yuchen Zeng*, Wonjun Kang*, Yicong Chen, Hyung Il Koo, Kangwook Lee
Under review

FedGP: Buffer-based Gradient Projection for Continual Federated Learning
Shenghong Dai, Yicong Chen, Jy-yong Sohn, S M Iftekharul Alam, Ravikumar Balakrishnan, Suman Banerjee, Nageen Himayat, Kangwook Lee
Federated Learning Systems (FLSys) Workshop @ MLSys 2023 • Oral Presentation • Best Paper Award

Zero-shot Improvement of Object Counting with CLIP
Ruisu Zhang*, Yicong Chen*, Kangwook Lee
Robustness of Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning in Foundation Models (R0-FoMo) Workshop @ NeurIPS 2023

Coded Prompts for Large Language Models
Ziqian Lin, Yicong Chen, Yuchen Zeng, Kangwook Lee
Robustness of Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning in Foundation Models (R0-FoMo) Workshop @ NeurIPS 2023